Tactile signs

Signs for the blind, or tactile signs, help blind and visually impaired people to move safely and independently in public and in traffic areas. Standard floor markings consist of leading (ribbed) and warning (squared) markings, which must be correctly positioned. They enable visually impaired people to orientate themselves in space more easily and to identify potential hazards and obstacles. The Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (ZIMI), which aims to prevent and eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities and to ensure equal opportunities for them in all areas of life, also requires the appropriate adaptation of public areas and multi-apartment buildings through the placement of tactile signs. Tactile signs must be provided in all public areas, public buildings and multi-apartment buildings!
Visual contrast
Tactile signs should also be adapted for the visually impaired, as most people with visual impairments are not totally blind. It is therefore important that tactile markings are distinguishable in colour from the surface on which they are placed.
Tactile signage integration
Tactile markings must be integrated into a wider system, called the floor tactile guidance system, so that they are meaningfully linked to each other. A marking that starts in the middle of a wide surface and or leads to the middle of a wide surface is useless as it cannot be found by a blind person. Markings must have a logical beginning and end, so good consideration is necessary in each situation. Tactile markings are usefully accompanied by audible semaphores, contrast strips on stairs and barriers and similar equipment.

Tactile warning signs
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sign boards for the blind and visually impaired
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Anti-slip and marking strips
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laws and standards
What materials are the tactile signs made of?
Tactile signs can be made of concrete, plastic, aluminium, stainless steel or other acrylic materials.
For what purpose are tactile signs used?
Tactile signs are used to guide blind and visually impaired people. This enables them to be independent.
Where do we use tactile signs?
Tactile signs are used on both interior and exterior surfaces.
Why must there be a high colour contrast between the background and the markings?
The high colour contrast makes it easier for the visually impaired to orient themselves in space, thus allowing them to be more independent.
What are warning and guide signs?
Warning signs warn of danger and change of direction. Guide signs indicate the direction of walking for blind people.