About us - Brez ovir


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Zavod Brez ovir is a private social institute whose main objectives are to provide quality and professional personal assistance service, improve accessibility of facilities for people with disabilities, and contribute to designing accessible tourism for people with physical disabilities.

Our social responsibilities are demonstrated by raising awareness among service providers and users regarding the need for adaptations, thus promoting equal opportunities for all and making a positive impact on the economy.

About Zavod Brez ovir Institute

Personal assistance

Starting with the adoption of the Law on Personal Assistance in 2019, the main focus of the institute has been to provide quality and professional personal assistance service. We strive towards improving the quality of the service by investing in knowledge and professional development of our employees and through cooperation with relevant institutions. This makes us one of the best institutes in the field, and we are able to respond to the challenges in our area of expertise for the benefit of individuals, groups, and society in general.

Our professional attitude enables us to establish a work environment in which interpersonal relationships are of utmost importance, while also demonstrating a high degree of empathy, understanding and acceptance of others. Join our team of personal assistants!

We also provide trainings for assistants employed by other personal assistance providers.

Equal opportunities for all

We provide a wide range of accessible tourist offer, different types of accommodation and accompanying offers that are accessible and adapted for people with physical disabilities. Each offer had been reviewed in person by our specialists. We also provide additional information about a location and the extent and level of adaptation for people with disabilities. The list is constantly updating, and you can also help us by providing additional information.

Furthermore, we offer people with physical disabilities and visual impairments a variety of accessories for better accessibility. We believe that by raising awareness and providing professional accessories and guidelines for proper installation of tactile markings and signs, we can actively contribute to a more welcoming environment for all. For people with visual impairments, basic access to most important public institutions and safe and independent movement within them is of utmost importance as it can significantly improve the quality of their life.

We have extensive experience in providing services and accessories for visually impaired. In addition, we offer everything you need to adapt public spaces both in accordance with the law and in the most useful, optimized and financially affordable manner.