Grand hotel Union - Brez ovir


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Ljubljana’s First Modern Hotel in Secession Style

The Grand Hotel Union opened its doors in 1905 with style and great celebration. Built in Secession style, it was the first modern hotel and the largest building in the city at the time. Later extensions of the hotel increased its capacity, set up a modern kitchen and a new restaurant, while construction work included the renovation of the Union Garden behind the hotel in a quiet area. The garden can be accessed both from the hotel as well as from the Nazorjeva Street, where a small ramp for the disabled is set up. The passageway connecting the Grand Hotel with the neighbouring uHotel is glazed and wide enough for all types of wheelchair users.

Accessible parking The hotel has its own garage, but there are no disabled parking spots. However, you can contact the staff to reserve the suitable parking spot that will allow you to enter or leave the car with ease. From the garage you can use the elevator to access the ground floor.
Accessible entrance The entrance to the hotel is fully adapted. The ramp that leads to the reception is sloped within the prescribed limits.
Accessible rooms The hotel offers two disabled rooms, one of which is fully adapted, while the other is suitable for people with reduced mobility, as there are no handrails in the toilet.
Accessible bathroom There is one fully adapted room. The other room is suitable for people with reduced mobility that do not need to use handrails in the bathroom. The hotel also offers a general fully adapted disabled toilet.
Accessible café or restaurant The restaurant is fully accessible. The summer garden is accessible either from within the hotel, or by using a ramp on the other side of the hotel.
Accessible paths The hotel is located in downtown Ljubljana, making it close to most attractions, such as the Prešeren Square, Miklošič Park, Tivoli Park, as well as the main train and bus stations.


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